I'd like to send you stuff.

If you sign up to receive emails from me, I will send you cool things about baseball when I come across them.

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I am not very good at Twitter. And for some reason every time I open the app I end up way madder than I was compared to what I was before opening it. I’d prefer to just send you cool things directly.

Sometimes I find things about baseball on the internet that I find interesting or curious. And I don’t feel like doing a whole bunch of writing about it and put it together for this website. I’m not in the business of covering things and most of the time there is no need for another article about something.

But I’d like to share the cool things with you specifically. You can even email me back about it if you want.

I won’t bug you too much.

I’ll only send you one or two emails a week. Probably not even that much.

You can sign up using the form above.

Whether you decide to sign up or not it’s very cool to me that you are even reading this. 🙂

Thank you for reading this.